2012年3月21日 星期三


** Isotonic solution, hypotonic solution, hypertonic solution **
isotonic solution:等張溶液,與A溶液的溶質濃度相等的B溶液,稱為A溶液的等張溶液
ex. isotonic solution is one that has the same solute concentration as compared to another

isosmotic solution:等滲溶液,與A溶液的滲透壓相等的B溶液,稱為A溶液的等滲溶液
ex. isosmotic solution is one that has the same osmotic (water) pressure as compared to another

hypertonic solution:高張溶液,比A溶液的溶質濃度高的B溶液,稱為A溶液的等滲溶液
ex. 當細胞的水勢比細胞外的液體高時,細胞水分子往外滲透
hyperosmotic solution:高滲溶液,比A溶液的滲透壓高的B溶液,稱為A溶液的等滲溶液

hypotonic solutio:低張溶液,比A溶液的溶質濃度低的B溶液,稱為A溶液的低張溶液
hypoosmotic solution:低滲溶液,比A溶液的滲透壓低的B溶液,稱為A溶液的低滲溶液
