2010年7月30日 星期五

[Drug] 3 different biological action of a drug

There are 3 different biological action of a drug assessed in this study:
(1) GI50: inhibition of cell growth (the concentration needed to reduce the growth of treated cells to half that of untreated cells). 細胞 50%生長抑制所需的藥物濃度.

(2) TGI: total growth inhibition (the concentration required to completely halt the growth of treated cells).

(3) LD50: lethal dose, LD50 is the amount of a material, given all at once, which causes the death of 50% (one half) of a group of test animals.
(4) LC50: lethal concentration (the concentration that kills 50% of treated cells), LC values usually refer to the concentration.

Ref: http://cancer.bioinfo.pl/
DTP: GI50, TGI, LC50
Ref: http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/branches/btb/ivclsp.html

IC50 (concentration of 50 % inhibition) : 抑制率50%時候藥物的濃度. 如某一藥物能夠抑制某酵素的活性,當酵素的活性下降一半時,此時所加的藥物濃度即為 IC50.

EC50 (concentration of 50 % Effect) : 半效應濃度
